LL Ep. 159 - Being Present For Yourself w/Jason France

In this episode, Joe welcomes the great Jason “Jay” France to the Lounge.  Jason is an Air Force veteran, former Command Senior Enlisted Leader of US. Transportation Command, executive coach, leadership consultant, resilient team builder, and Owner and CEO of Elevate Leadership Solutions. During their discussion, Jay shared his experiences and the life lessons he learned while hiking the Pacific Crest Trail and they talked about the value of taking on challenging physical tasks and taking time to reflect.   


Jay’s Book Recommendation:

Do Hard Things – Steve Magness: https://tinyurl.com/57cfb8h7


Follow Jay here:

Linked In: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jason-l-france/

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ElevateLeadershipLLC

Website: https://www.elevateleadershipsolutions.com/

YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/JayFHikes/


Check out our show sponsor:

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LL Ep. 160 - All it Takes is Heart w/Chris Romulo


LL Ep. 158 - Feedback Loops w/Amanda Ono