Interdependent Growth


If you are the average of the 5 people whom you mostfrequently associate with, then what does that make YOU?

You don’t need to be a math nerd to realize that you can improve yourself by improving the average score of the people you hangout with. If you’re a gamer, then associating with fellow gamers will typically result in your higher score on Space Invaders (my era), or PUBG (today). Likewise, the folks whom you associate with the most in worship services, or work groups, or hobby activities will strongly influence your performance, your abilities, and your mindset as it relates to each of those groups.

“And some are visionary leaderswho entice others to follow in their leadership draft like a NASCAR champion.”

Continuing with the math nerd analogy, we can each plot ourown position along a continuum as it relates to each area of our lives. Somepeople just go to work each day. Some are diligent – perhaps even passionateabout their jobs. And some are visionary leaders who entice others to follow intheir leadership draft like a NASCAR champion. So, where can you find these 5(+/-) people that you hope will lift you up? Some of them might be right nextto you already, but I’m going to recommend that you cast a larger net. Do someresearch to determine what professional organizations are applicable to whatyou do in life, then investigate them to see if they would be a good fit foryou. As you cast this big net, remember that you likely fall into multiplecategories simultaneously. What is your profession? What is your industry? Whatis your niche? A truck driver probably falls under the logistics industry, andmaybe even the petroleum niche if driving a fuel truck. Likewise, a militaryelectrician is clearly in the construction industry, and also serves in the nicheof their military service branch.

Online search engines will certainly make quick work of yourresearch, but don’t neglect the old-fashioned printed texts. Universities and largepublic libraries will likely have printed directories and subscription servicesthat list and describe prospective associations. NOTE: The wisest librarypatrons know to ask the Research Librarian for tips on where to look and whatto look for. Also, keep in mind that there will likely be organizations thatmay only be appropriate to your development at a future point in time. Why?Well, lets take the example of the International Association of Chiefs ofPolice. A rookie patrol officer, or even a sergeant or lieutenant, probablywon’t gain or contribute very much to this organization. However, an ambitiouscaptain or division chief certainly could make useful contributions andvaluable networking connections.

“It is those great leaders whoutilize professional organizations as the foundation of their self-directededucational quest.”

One of the driving characteristics of great leaders is thatthey are constantly on a quest to learn more. While there is typically a pointin everyone’s career when formal education is needed and appropriate, there isa MUCH greater length of time during which people either stagnate or theyengage in a self-directed education. It is those great leaders who utilizeprofessional organizations as the foundation of their self-directed educationalquest.

So, let’s review the steps:

·       Define your area of interest – in minute detail.(This is the most challenging step.)

·       Research the prospective organizations for theirmembership criteria, scope, purpose, location, etc.

·       Contact your local unit of each organization todetermine if there will be some synergy between you and the current members.

·       Get involved! Synergy doesn’t happen by osmosis.Leaders take action and make great things happen for others.

And don’t forget to consider that maybe YOU are one of thefive who needs to be there to raise someone else up.

Join up.

Lead On!

Editor’s Notes:  James Wirshing, SMSgt, USAF (ret) is the founder of Leadership Development Depot, a leadership development enterprise, and also the founder of Big Diamond Enterprises, a real estate education and investment firm. He resides in Murfreesboro, TN.


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