The Power in Your Communication


Communication is vital to our existenceas people. In my varying life roles as a husband, father, seasoned Toastmasterand Air Force senior leader I've developed a very deep understanding of theimportance of effective communication and the potential power it holds. When we’vemastered the art of communication we can build relational intimacy, cultivatecourtships, convey key messages, capitalize on rare opportunities, and probablymost importantly, capture hearts.  Without basic communication skills, drivingin traffic, going to the grocery store, or visiting your favorite restaurant wouldbe a major challenge.  Effectivecommunication influences opportunities to not only navigate our own environment,but it can also shape the direction of a nation and even bridge communitiesacross the globe.

“…quick thinking, cross-cultural competency,and linguistics shifted the atmosphere…”

Recently, my son—a 21-yearcollege student who is fluent in Mandarin Chinese, served on a governmentalstaff and functioned as the Mayor’s translator during a noteworthy Chinesedelegation visit. There were obvious communication challenges due to the majordifferences in language and customs that created significant concern for allparties involved. During the crucial meeting, discussions began to tamper offdue to communication barriers. Meanwhile, my son stayed cool, calm, and collected, as he steered theconversation in right direction.  He wasable to put the American and Chinese dignitaries at ease. His quick thinking,cross-cultural competency, andlinguistics shifted the atmosphere in a meeting going south and secured aninternational partnership for a mid-sized municipality.  Kudosto my beloved boy!!

Thereal purpose of communication is toactivate…”

We define communication by the root word “commune” whichmeans to come together or to “unite” under the umbrella of a single thought.  My son was a conduit for bridging culturalnuisances and language barriers, ultimately synchronizing concepts and bringingpeople together.  However, I surmise hisimpact was much deeper than we think.

If we relegate communication only to the exchange of thoughts or ideas, we will miss theopportunity to maximize its power.  The real purpose of communication is to activate the nuclearpotential of words to create new possibilities and forge into uncharted realities.  On September 12, 1962, President John F.Kennedy detonated a previously unfathomable reality into the hearts of Americans when he said, “we choose to go to the moon…in this decade.”  His words catapulted NASA and the nation intoanother dimension.  Why?  Let me paraphrase the words of Harry andRosemary Wong, authors of The First Daysof School; they proclaimed, “we are notpersuaded by the height of a [leader’s]intellect, but by the depth of their conviction” President Kennedy fullybelieved the charge he delivered to the country, and everyone’s mind expandedto meet the challenge.

“Heartfelt words pulsatingwith life”

Years ago, I went to an intramural volleyball game tosupport one of my junior coworkers. During the game, her team experienced a woodshed moment, aka, a severebeating. The score was 13-2 and they were on the losing end.  The first team to reach 15 points would winthe game; consequently, her team began to throw in the towel.  They said, “there is no way we can win; let’sgive up.”  Being the walking embodimentof inspiration that I am, 😊 Icommanded them to “get their minds rights.”  I declared, “we are not two points from losing;we are 13 points from winning.  So, holdthem and reach seven points. Do not let them score!”  The team gained momentum; meanwhile, Ireverted to my comedic antics by professing, “We have them on the ropes now!”  Our team overcame an insurmountable obstacleand won the game. As a born and bred, Georgia boy and a die-hard Falcons fan this may be a regrettable comparison; but itwas a Super Bowl LI, Tom Brady versus the Atlanta Falcons triumphant moment. Heartfeltwords pulsating with life, shed light on an otherwise bleak situation and sprungopen the doors of victory. 

“We are all capable of beingthe light to another person’s darkness”

If you want to bring power to your words, then ensureyour communication consists of the following:

1.     Speakfrom your core values and convictions.

2.     Visualizean outcome until it becomes your reality.

3.     Discernwhere your recipients are and craft wordpictures and culturally relevant language that point toward the desiredoutcome.

Do not EVER underestimatethe potency of your words and their ability to reconstruct paradigms andrestore hope. We are all capable of being the light to another person’s darkness.Each of us have a gift to share. Do you want to make an impact in your life andfor those around you? Are you searching for continued personal and professionalgrowth? The first step in realizing your potential is in the execution ofeffective communication.

With all of this said, I leave you with my ‘Mo’losophy’on the power of communication.

“Comprehensive,yet concise wordplay makes you a communication economist; but, fresh ideaspregnant with belief birth new realities and shatter old paradigms.”

Editor’sNotes: Maurice “Mo” Arnold resides in Northern California. He isa retired Air Force veteran, motivational speaker, community organizer,corporate trainer, and prides himself on being a life-long learner. You canconnect with Mr. Arnold on his Linkedin page:


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