The Resilient Leader


Oh no, there I go. I used the ‘R’ word – Resilient. Experience tells me that a handful of readers have already moved on to other articles or stories. After all, you’ve heard about it on tv while watching sports. You’ve read about in the news. Maybe even you’ve taken a course on it. And now every time you hear the word “resilience”, you roll your eyes. Yes, it’s a word that seems to be used by everyone and just about anything, and it’s one of the most misunderstood yet overused words in the English language.

But let me tell you whatyou don’t know.

Let’s start with Resilience. A common definition of resilience is to be able to bounce back and even grow in the face of adversity and stressors. Sounds kind of sexy, doesn’t it? I have the picture of some superman/woman getting knocked down and then bouncing back up with their chest thrust forward daring whatever knocked them down in the first place to try again. Sure, that is resilience, in the movies, but for most of us, the picture more likely looks like someone getting knocked down and getting back on their feet, often with a bit of a struggle, sweaty and snotty, but on their feet none the less, determined to keep moving forward. Not terribly sexy, is it? How about the single parent who gets themselves up each and every morning, gets themselves ready for work and then does the same for their kids, getting them dressed, fed, off to school, and then heads off to work. And their day isn’t over when they leave work. It continues, seemingly endlessly. That’s everyday resilience. That parent is a superhero in their own right, no doubt, and a far more common example than that earlier one.

And what is a leader? How do we define thisindividual? We could grab any number of definitions that are out there but let’ssettle with the not so creative yet brass tacks kind of definition: someone wholeads others. Someone who is out in front bringing together a group of peopleworking toward a common goal. They lead a team, an organization, a country or, howabout a family! Frequently, we think of them as someone who gets things donethrough others.

So, how do we bring these two together? What might bethe characteristics of a Resilient Leader? Let’s look at a few.

They have a growth mindset. They are fully aware that change is a part of life and they don’t run from it. They face it, deal with it, grow from it and move on. They know that they will face challenges in life and they also know that they are able to learn what they need to do to overcome those challenges. They also understand that they need feedback to grow and improve, even if it’s feedback that is seen by some as negative feedback.

Theyhave a support system. They understand that we don’t gothrough life alone, that we need our support systems who we rely on when thegoing get’s tough. They also know that theyare an important part of the support systems of others and are there when they are needed.

Theykeep things in perspective. They know that there ismore than one way to see things. More than one way to accomplish the mission.They can take a step back and look at the big picture when necessary.

Theyshare what’s on their mind. They’re not afraid to –appropriately – share what they’re thinking about. They share their thoughts,feeling, or their rationale for decisions, directions or suggestions they makeand are confident enough to listen to the feedback they receive. If changingtheir instructions isn’t an option for whatever reason they also confidentlysay so and they have the trust of their people who accept those instructionsand move on.

Theyknow what their strengths are and can identify – andutilize – the strengths of their team members. They work to maximize thosestrengths knowing that when we are given the opportunity to perform our jobs ina way that encourages us to use those strengths we soar and achieve greatness!

So, what type of leader are you? Do you see change asa challenge to embrace or with fear and trepidation? Is failure at a task a setbackor an opportunity to learn and move on? Do you ‘muscle through’ life’sdifficulties on your own or do you reach out to those around you.

Are you a Resilient Leader? A leader who iscontinuously growing and learning and encourages the same of their people, peoplewho would come back to work for you in a heartbeat if the opportunity presenteditself?

The ball is in your court. How do you show resiliencein your leadership?

Editor’sNotes: Terry Brazil is aconsultant and trainer delivering Resilience Training for the Air Force as wellas leadership training for companies around the country.


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