Important Qualities of a Leader


John F. Kennedy once said, “My fellow Americans, ask not what your country can do for you, ask what you can do for your country.” He challenged the American population to achieve a better and bigger future for our country. He inspired generations with his speeches and ideas. He is a great example of a leader. These are some expectations I have of my leaders and the characters I’d like to see.RespectfulIf someone approaches me in a respectful way, I’m going to be more willing to help them out. Bottom line is you must know how to approach people with kindness and without anger. Lead with positivity, not negativity.KnowledgeableBeing a leader doesn’t mean that you must know everything. A knowledgeable leader knows how to effectively use their resources.CreditabilityTrust is extremely important within a work center. When a team trusts a leader, it improves the team's productivity, accomplishments, communication, and creativity. We are in need of leaders that we can count on.Passionate to inspire othersNot everyone loves what they do. It is important to know your people and find a way to motivate them. We don't hold our positions forever. We move, promote, and retire to and from positions. When we inspire people to be better individuals it becomes easier to train and prepare the leaders of tomorrow.Macro-managerDifferent personalities require different supervision. I tend to work better with a leader who is a macro-manager. Tell me what you want done and when you want it done. The how doesn’t necessarily have to be provided, but if you want it a certain way, details matter.CommunicationKnow how to communicate and get your message across. In today’s society, we have technology that helps us improve communication such as emails, phone texts, messenger, phone calls, and video calls. Group meetings are another way to make sure everyone is on the same page. Effective communication is the key of success in any company.Provide a visionWhat are the expectations?  Goals?  When do we want to be there?  Is it a month from now? A year from now?  Provide a vision, to get everyone on the same page so that people will start developing a plan to accomplish the dream.Lead by exampleDon't enforce standards that you cannot uphold yourself.  Hypocrisy is the fastest way to lose respect and trust within leaders, peers, and subordinates.These are the qualities that I picture in a great leader. No one can determine the type of leader you are going to be. Only you can make that decision. Mistakes will be made, learn from them. Be humble and don't abuse the power. Editor's Note: Christian Rosa is originally from West New York, New Jersey. He is a Noncommissioned Officer in the United States Air Force as an Electrical Systems Craftsman. He has served overseas for 5 consecutive years and is currently assigned to the 31st Civil Engineer Squadron in Aviano, Italy.




Leading with Empathy